This Delivery Policy is applicable to all customers who purchase goods from LA SOCIETY.COM.  It is important to read and understand this policy as it outlines our obligations to you and your rights as our customers when it comes to the delivery of goods.

Order Processing Time

 It is the time elapsed between when the customer places the order and when the seller hands the order over to the delivery service.

We generally process orders after 5 pm Beijing time on the day you place your order. 

In-stock styles will be ready for you and shipped out 1-2 business days after placing the order (except for scheduled arrival styles, the specific delivery time of scheduled arrival styles will be based on the actual delivery time). 

It will be shipped within 1-2 days after arrival at the warehouse, and your package will be transported in 5-10 business days to the destination of your order. 

Generally, it will take 7 to 12 working days to all destinations worldwide via UPS, FEDEX or DHL. We cannot guarantee specific delivery dates, as the delivery process may be affected by unforeseen events and circumstances such as poor weather conditions, courier delays, or customs inspections.

Shipping Cost & Transit Time

We offer a variety of shipping options including FEDEX, DHL, and UPS to ensure efficient and safe delivery of your orders. Please review the shipping options available during the checkout process or contact our customer service team for more information. Larger orders may be eligible for shipping discounts, please contact our customer service team to learn more.

Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight, size, and destination of the goods purchased. The shipping cost will be displayed at checkout prior to submitting your order. As our products vary in weight and size, it is difficult to provide an exact shipping cost in advance. If you are not satisfied with the shipping cost, you may choose to cancel your order. Your package will be shipped to your order's destination within the United States in 5~10 days. Generally, it will take 7 to 12 working days to all destinations worldwide. UPS or DHL delivery can take four to five working days depending on your location. We cannot guarantee specific delivery dates, as the delivery process may be affected by unforeseen events and circumstances such as poor weather conditions, courier delays, or customs inspections.

 **Total Delivery Time = Processing Time + Shipping Time(depending on your location)

Shipping Location:

LA SOCIETY.COM is dedicated to providing our customers with the best possible shopping experience. We ship to nearly every country and region across the globe, covering North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, and more. We take pride in working with major, trusted international carriers to ensure your package arrives at your destination safely and securely. Please refer to the chart below to check the countries and regions to which we ship.



Americas Africa Asia Oceania Antarctica
Albania Anguilla Algeria Vietnam American Samoa French Southern Territories
Andorra Antigua & Barbuda Angola Armenia Australia
Austria Argentina Benin Azerbaijan Christmas Island
Belarus Aruba Botswana Bahrain Cook Islands
Belgium Bahamas Burkina Faso Bangladesh Falkland Islands
Bosnia Barbados Burundi Bhutan Fiji
Bulgaria Belize Cameroon Brunei French Polynesia
Croatia Bermuda Canary Islands Cambodia Guam
Czech Republic Bolivia Cape Verde China Kiribati
Denmark Brazil Chad Cocos (Keeling) Islands Marshall Islands
Estonia Canada Comoros Cyprus Micronesia
Faeroe Islands Cayman Islands Cote D'Ivoire East Timor Nauru
Finland Chile Djibouti Georgia New Caledonia
France Colombia Egypt India New Zealand
Germany Costa Rica Eritrea Indonesia Niue
Gibraltar Dominica Ethiopia Israel Norfolk Island
Greece Ecuador Gabon Japan Northern Mariana
Guernsey El Salvador Gambia Jordan Palau
Hungary French Guiana Ghana Kazakhstan Papua New Guinea
Iceland Guyana Guinea South Korea Pitcairn Islands
Ireland Greenland Guinea Equatorial Kuwait Samoa
Italy Grenada Kenya Kyrgyzstan Solomon Islands
Jersey Guadeloupe Lesotho Laos St. Helena
Latvia St. Pierre & Miquelon Liberia Malaysia Tokelau
Liechtenstein Guatemala Madagascar Maldives Tonga
Lithuania Honduras Malawi Mongolia Tuvalu
Luxembourg Jamaica Mauritania Nepal Vanuatu
Macedonia Martinique Mauritius Oman Wallis and Futuna
Malta Mexico Mayotte Pakistan
Moldova Montserrat Morocco Philippines
Monaco NL Antilles Mozambique Qatar
Montenegro Panama Namibia Saudi Arabia
Netherlands Paraguay Niger Singapore
Norway Peru Nigeria Sri Lanka
Poland Puerto Rico Reunion Tajikistan
Portugal St. Barthelemy Rwanda Thailand
Romania St. Kitts & Nevis Senegal Turkmenistan
Russia St. Lucia Seychelles Uzbekistan
San Marino St. Martin Sierra Leone
Serbia Suriname Somaliland
Slovakia Trinidad & Tobago South Africa
Slovenia United States Swaziland
Spain Uruguay Tanzania
Sweden St. Vincent & the Grenadines Togo
Switzerland Tunisia
Turkey Uganda
Ukraine Western Sahara
United Kingdom Zambia
Vatican City State Sao Tome & Principe



 You will receive an email when your order has been shipped. A tracking number will be provided (the tracking number will be active within 24 hours). Please note: This may take longer during events or holidays. 

 Tracking information may take 48 to 72 hours to update.

 If you cannot track your package normally, please contact us and we will resolve this issue within 48 hours.

Delivery Time Exceeded

 If your order is delayed, please contact us via email, and we will check the situation with the transportation company in time. Thanks for your understanding and support. 

Order Cancellations

 We can cancel the order for you if you contact us in time after your purchase. If your payment is finished and the parcel is not shipped out, you can cancel your order before your item’s delivery. And we will refund full of your money.

 Orders can't be canceled once the parcel is shipped out.

 About Tax

In rare cases, orders may be charged the customs fees by your government, not our site, you will be responsible for the charges. We apologize for any inconvenience, but we have no control over the customs authorities in your country or any other. Contact your local customs office for more information about customs fees, duties, and taxes.

Phone: +1(909)910-1931
